'Let’s time travel back to the 1940’s and visit movie stars Betty Davis, Katherine Hepburn and others and see the makeup and beauty trends of the era. GRWM AS I makeup for this video. My lifetime career has been in television, film and the theatre, so what better platform to share my lifetime of experiences with others than Youtube and my blog, sandrashart. ******************************************** My thoughts on aging video: https://youtu.be/poic2O-hYJI Mature Women Channels I Follow: https://youtu.be/oC7swcHmjaA Makeup by Cindy Jacobs 10% off with coupon code: FRIENDOFSANDRA. ( I get nothing for this, it\'s just for you convenience) Creme: L\'Occitane Divine Lipstick: Chanel Brows: Revlon Brow Fancy in dark blond Eyes: Neutrogena: Honey Nut 36 Lashes: Almay One Coat Thickening Blush: Chanel BeBop **************************************** Music: Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com All comments will be appreciated and answered. Have a great day and thanks for watching. Watch my other videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsyeT5Jf3-Ak51Udv1XIjLg LIFE OVER SIXTY WITH SANDRA Life and thoughts and just about everything under the sun. The only order to it is life itself as lived. Natural chaos! I am married and have three grown children who are interested in breeding horses, flying and creating. My youngest is the lead singer/songwriter of the Grammy nominated band, Tonic, Emerson Hart. So here I am, wanting to read about you and at the same time bringing you along with me to mine. I hope you will find me just as interesting as I do you! Hop aboard for the ride. Find me here: https://sandrashart.com (blog) http://sandrahart.net @screenactor on Poshmark @sandrashart/ twitter @sandrashart on Instagram https://Pinterest.com/SandraHart ******************************************** I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Affiliate program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Part of all proceeds no matter how small is donated to The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, a nonprofit [501(c)(3)] organization that focuses on mental health research. Read about my son, Emerson and I below. Article: http://tinyurl.com/y8y5hbj2 ******************************************** Sandra Hart Books Behind The Magic Mirror http://amzn.to/2uocLbk Places Within My Hart http://amzn.to/2uoAHeu Read Between My Lines http://2uopNBH Barking For Biscuits ebook http://amzn.to/2vzca8y ******************************************** Tonic Music Tonic: http://amzn.to/2tpEonl Cigarettes And Gasoline: http://amzn.to/2tpj6Gx Beauty In Disrepair: http://amzn.to/2uojtxN Equipment: iPhone 7 plus Tripod: Zeadio Smartphone Holder Tripod: Digient Hands free camera: Amazon Echo Look Microphone: Shure Plus Motiv Wanson Led video light'
Tags: grwm , retro fashion , romper room , mature makeup , life over sixty , 40's women movie stars , movies of the 1940's , entertaing videos , fashion of the 1940's , makeup in the movies
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